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Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Spontaneous Poem!

As Elaine's class was finishing their crayon resist watercolor paintings, Noah made a comment that began a group poem that just happened. I wrote it down as it evolved. For the crayon resist technique, the students planned their compositions by drawing softly with a crayon, and then worked to press hard with the crayons to create lines, textures, patterns, and shapes. The next week they went over the crayon with watercolor.


When we finish a painting
it feels like a baby is born,

like a flower is blooming,

like a monkey
who found out how to crack a nut.

It feels like a dolphin
that has come out of the water,

like a bird that has just taken flight,

like a tree that just lost a leaf.

When we finish a painting
it feels like a butterfly
sucking nectar from a violet,

or coming out of a chrysalis,

or a baby bird who just ate its first worm.

Sometimes it doesn't feel like anything.

When we finish a painting
it feels like a caterpillar
coming out of an egg,

like a water drop
that has just touched the ground,

like you just found a treasure.

It feels like I'm exhausted.

When we finish a painting
it feels like getting new origami paper,

like you have just one more idea to fit in there,

like you have just finished a masterpiece
and you're proud of it.

It feels like there's air around you.

You feel like a real artist.


  1. So lovely, Tracy. You get the kids to create such amazing things!

  2. HUGE GOOSEBUMPS! Beautiful and amazing how literary arts are inspired by the creative space. This felt like a lovely moment of synergy to me. Fab!

  3. Oh my word, what a poem. And what fantastic paintings. I'm in awe.
