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Thursday, November 1, 2012

My Ideal Art Class

Sometimes things work out just the way we hope they they will, and that's what happened for me today with the children from Chris' class. At the end of every month we are having a "catch up" or "open studio" day to finish incomplete work, and when that is accomplished the students may work on an art project that is truly their personal expression. Today all this happened and more. Some students were finishing the Fauvist portraits or the Abstract Expressionist paintings, others worked on self initiated projects, a few drew in homemade sketchbooks, two children contributed stitching to the tapestry table project, and two others worked with papier mache on the miniature museum project.

The tapestry needlework piece is coming along slowly as I attempt to teach all the Summers-Knoll students how to stitch. I have to do this one student at a time, although once someone learns they are able to teach others. By the end of the year or sooner, we will have a completed piece that is growing organically every day.

The miniature museum is under construction. We will cover it with papier mache, then paint it with acrylic paint. I plan to scan and reduce student art work to put in miniature frames that we will make to hang on the walls next to work by the great artists that are actually in the art museums. We will make standing figures to put in the rooms. Hopefully the art can be changed in the frames periodically and the museum can be part of our school for years to come. I think this year the rooms will be organized by genres since that was the theme for October.

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